
Net Positive for water means water replenished or saved by external projects we support will exceed water consumed from mains supply for our business activities.

Setting ambitious targets keeps our focus on driving down water use. Overall we have reduced absolute water demand by 260,000M3 over the five years to the end of 2020.

Our focus remains on driving down landlord water consumption through good management and investment in efficiencies and smart metering. Three of our assets: Brent Cross; The Oracle; and Centrale, were Net Positive for water in 2020. This was achieved through a combination of demand reduction and interventions to reduce leaks in occupier spaces.

Performance against short term targets

  • Invested £500k in water efficient equipment
  • Installed smart meters and submeters for water across 9 assets
  • Carried out water audits on landlord managed water use across three assets, finding and fixing leaks of c. 90M3/day
  • Created action plans for those assets to reduce consumption i.e. new cleaning schedules
  • Partnered with Thames Water to audit over 170 occupiers across three assets
  • Fixed 124 water leaks saving an estimated 306M3 of water/day for occupiers 
  • Fixed leaks in a local school, saving an estimated 1000M3 of water

Key facts

52333 m3

Water saved through leak
fixing for tenants since

- 68 %

Water demand for
landlord services across
the Net Positive portfolio

- 11 %

Landlord water intensity
across the Net Positive


Flagship assets net
positive for Landlord
water demand in 2020

Our progress

Our long term target is for the business to operate on a Net Positive basis for operational water demand, including demand from our occupied spaces for building services, and for our development activities. Achieving this starts with reducing demand in landlord controlled spaces and also in occupier controlled areas through monitoring and engagement. We also work with stakeholders beyond our value chain to support them in reducing water demand as part of our overall strategy for achieving a net positive position.

Our Pathway to Net Positive - Water

Created in 2019, this video showcases the activity across the group that is helping us on our journey to be Net Positive for Water.
Watch now

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Sustainability Report 2020 (PDF)