We aim to be Net Zero for carbon, water, resource use and social impacts by 2030
Transitioning each of our assets to Net Zero Carbon will support our journey to Net Zero and is a key area of focus for our business and for our investor partners. We have set a series of medium and long term targets to deliver this.
Medium-term targets

Establish route map to transition flagship assets to certified Net Zero Carbon status
blue10% year on year reduction in corporate emissions, remainder to be offset

Reduce Scope 3 carbon emissions from the operational portfolio by 30% v 2019
blueTransition one flagship asset to certified Net Zero Carbon status
Long-term targets

Transition 50% of Flagship assets to certified Net Zero Carbon status. Zero fossil fuel gas for landlord services
blueHammerson to be Net Zero for carbon, water, resource use and socio-economic impacts

100% of Hammerson assets to be certified Net Zero Carbon
About our carbon emissions targets
- They include Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions from our managed assets in the UK, Ireland and France and our social impacts
- The tenanted areas of our managed assets are included in these targets as are the embodied carbon impacts of our development programme
- The targets are calculated on a proportionally consolidated basis
- Achieving our environmental targets will require an element of offsetting, which we minimise the requirement for by focusing on demand reduction through efficiencies
- To count towards Net Zero our renewable power contracts in the UK must directly enable subsidy free additional clean power to be generated
- These are absolute targets
Net Positive for Carbon means emissions avoided exceed emissions generated. We aim to be Net Zero for Carbon by 2030. Here we share more on our approach and progress to date.

Net Positive for Water means water replenished by external projects exceeds water consumed from mains supply. We aim to be Net Zero for Water by 2030. Here we share more on our approach and progress to date.

Resource Use
Net Positive for Resource Use means waste avoided, recycled or re-used exceeds materials used that are neither recycled, renewable or sent to landfill. We aim to be Net Zero for Resource Use by 2030. Here we share more on our approach and progress to date.

Socio Economic
Net Zero for Socio-economic impacts means making a measurable positive impact on socio-economic issues relevant to our local communities beyond a measured baseline. Find out more about how we shape and deliver our socio-economic work.